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Project co financed by the european union under the european regional development fund
Project title: Increasing the production capacity of printing plates production businesses
Short project description: On 8th of December 2017, company Kliše-Kop, owner Tomislav Maglić signed the Grant Agreement with the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts with the purpose of implementing project under title: “Increasing the production capacity of printing plates production businesses“, reference no. of agreement KK. Project implementation is co-financed under European regional development fund in financial period 2014.-2020.
The project implementation will enable the establishment of a new business unit for the production of large format printing plates, new products development, revenue growth, new jobs, the professional development and development of employees.
Project objectives: General objective of the project is to develop small and medium enterprises and to increase the competitiveness of domestic SMEs in the printing, packaging and graphic industry. The specific objectives of the project are to increase company’s competitiveness, growth in sales revenue, growth in export revenue, increase the number of employees and professional development of employees.
Expected project outcomes:
Total project value: 5.623.570,84 Kn
EU co-financed: 2.166.396,69 Kn
Project implementation period: 15th of November 2017 – 15th of August 2019
Contact person for more info: Tatjana Zormanić,, tel. +385 1 3370 034
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Content of this publication is exclusive responsibility of company Kliše Kop, owner Tomislav Maglić